Mr. Max Xue
普渡大学 社会学理学 硕士 波士顿大学 世界基督教研究 硕士
多年世界历史、IGCSE Business(英文)纽约时报写作竞赛、约翰洛克写作竞赛教学所带学生每年均有入围及获奖
万众期待的2025年John Locke竞赛终于放题啦!
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Q1: What moral obligations do we owe to living persons that we do not owe to future persons? What are the implications of your answer for policy-making?
Q2: Should we treat non-human animals well because they have rights, interests, neither, or both?
Q3: "When civilians are the main target, there's no need to consider the cause. That's terrorism; it's evil." Is this correct?
译:“当平民成为主要攻击目标时,就无需考虑动机。这必然是恐怖主义,是邪恶的。” 这句话正确吗?
02.政治 Politics
Q1: Should politicians ever be punished for lying?
Q2:David Hume celebrated the wisdom of "unlettered men". In a democracy, do the votes of the unlettered tend to protect a country against the bad ideas of the lettered or do the votes of the lettered tend to protect a country against the bad ideas of the unlettered?
译:大卫·休谟 (David Hume) 曾经盛赞“未受教育之人”的智慧。在民主制度下,究竟是未受教育者的选票、更能保护国家不受到受教育者的不良思想影响,还是受过教育者的选票、更能保护国家免受未受教育者的不良思想影响?
Q3: Diversity is fashionable, but is it valuable?
03.经济 Economics
Q1:What kinds of behaviour are engendered by the hope of profit? Is such behaviour better or worse, on balance, than the behaviour we should expect if all enterprises were owned by charities or governments?
Q2:What will be the effect on socio-economic mobility of the UK government's plan to impose value added tax on school fees?
Q3: Should Oxford lower its admissions standards for the sons and daughters of generous benefactors?
04.历史 History
Q1:According to Bertrand Russell, "Hitler is an outcome of Rousseau; Roosevelt and Churchill of Locke." To what extent was he correct?
译:伯特兰·罗素 (Bertrand Russell) 说:“希特勒是卢梭的产物;罗斯福和丘吉尔是洛克的产物。” 他的说法,有多正确?
Q2: Should anyone be ashamed of their nation's history? Should anyone be proud of it?
Q3: Which figure in history did most to enlarge human freedom?
05.法律 Law
Q1:What injury should one person be permitted to inflict on another in the defence of private property?
Q2. “Use every man after his desert, and who should ’scape whipping?” Should the law treat offenders better than they deserve?
译:“要是照每一个人应得的名分对待他,那么谁逃得了一顿鞭子?” 法律是否应该比罪犯应得的待遇更宽容一些?
Q3. Is Vladimir Putin a war criminal?
06.心理学 Psychology
Q1. Is objectivity all in the mind?
Q2. Eleanor Roosevelt declared, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Is she right?
译:埃莉诺·罗斯福 (Eleanor Roosevelt) 曾说:“没有你的同意,没人能让你感到自卑。” 她说得对吗?
Q3. What is self-deceit?
07.神学 Theology
Q1. Is atheism implausible?
Q2. Why would the creator of a trillion galaxies become angry if you have sex with your boyfriend or eat bacon for breakfast?
Q3. Why pray?
微 信 号:xueyecareer_wang
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🔸专业导师团队均具备深厚学术背景与丰富指导经验,深入剖析 John Locke 论文要求,从选题、资料收集到写作技巧,一步步引领你构建高质量论文。
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