Glyoxal consists of 41.4% C, 3.5% H, and 55.1% 0 by mass. What is the empirical formula of1.glyoxal?
- (A)CHO
- (B)CH0
- (C)CH202
- (D)C1zHO16
2. An element is a solid at room temperature but soft enough to be cut with an ordinary knifWhen placed in water, the element reacts violently. What element is it?
3.Which piece of equipment would give the most precise delivery of 25.0 ml of a solution?
- (A)25-mLgraduatedcylinder
- (B)25-mLsyringe
- (C)25-mL beakel
- (D)25-mL volumetric pipet
4. Which best describes the bonding in Cu(s)?
- (A)The copper atoms are positively charged in a sea of delocalized electrons
- (B)The copper atoms are alternately positively and negatively charged
- (C)The copper atoms form covalent bonds to adiacent copper atoms
- (D)The copper atoms form hydrogen bonds to adjacent copper atoms
5.What is AGef of Hocl(g)at 298 K?,H20(g)+C120(g)2 HOCl(g) Kea (298 K)= 0.089
- (A)-6.0kmol-1
- (B)-3.0 k」mol-1
- (c)3.0 k」mol -1
- (D) it cannot be determinedfrom the information given
6. Which is formed at the cathode during the electrolysis of aqueous AgF?
- (A)Ag(s)
- (B)H2(g)
- (C)02(g)
- (D)F2(g)
7.How many total orbitals are there with principal quantum number n = 4?
8. What is the geometry of SF4?
- (A)Tetrahedral
- (B)Square planar
- (C)See-saw
- (D)Trigonal monopyramidal
9. What is the relationship between the following two molecules?
- (A)Structuralisomers
- (B)Geometricisomers
- (C)Enantiomers
- (D)ldentical
10. The sequence of amino acids in a protein is known as its
- (A)primarystructure.
- (B)secondary structure.
- (C)tertiary structure.
- (D)quaternary structure